Instructor: Now comrades, As you already know to part of the spy youth is to be a part of big brother. Big brother only accepts perfection. Mentally perfect you may be but physically you are all less than impressive. Sloppy, Fat, disgusting. We do not accept this. We will beat this out of you. You are about to under go a series of excruciating and backbreaking intense exercise. This programme was design to whip our youth into shape. If you are going to be protecting the citizens of Oceania you must be strong and powerful. You must quick to take down your enemy and you most of have to take this seriously. You are representing all of Oceania now. Let's get to it.
Spy Youth: Sir yes sir/ Ma'am yes ma'am.
*Press ups begin
Instructor: You call those press ups? You are disgraces to your country! *ad libbed lines
*Puts boot on the back of a trainee.
Instructor: Does this hurt.
Trainee: Very much sir
Instructor: Did Instruct you to feel pain? *pushes trainee onto back
Trainee: No sir you did not
*Slap across the face
Instructor: Then you do not feel pain!
Trainee: Sir yes sir.
Instructor: Now I want to see sit ups! Begin and I will tell you when to stop.
Spy Youth: Sir yes sir!
*Begin sit ups
*Instructor sets on the toes of a trainee watching him wince in pain he leans in closer
Instructor: Do you feel the pain?
Trainee: No sir
*lightly slaps across the face in a taunting manner
Instructor: How about now?
Trainee: No sir
*continues slapping for the whole section
Instructor: How about now?
Trainee: No sir
Instructor: How about now?
Trainee: No sir please...
Instructor: Please what? *puts boot on chest. Sit up for me comrade.
Trainee: I can't
Trainee: *starts thrashing around in desperation* Please sir I can't sit up
Instructor: *Begins to laugh* PAHAHA your all pathetic stand up all of you!
*They all stand to attention
Instructor: You probably feel like I am asking the impossible of you. That I am some unfair malevolent force that can not be moved. You must feel like I am cruel, no? WE LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE MAGGOTS LIFE IS CRUEL! THE FUTURE IS A BOOT STOMPING ON YOUR FACE FOREVER. YOU MUST LEARN NOT FEEL NOW HIGH KNEES GO!!
*Group does high knees as the Instructor inspects carefully. After about a minute another member falls over and claps there ankle.
Instructor: *Goes over to Inspect* Are you OK comrade?
Trainee: No it's my ankle I think... *He is cut off as the Instructor places his foot and pressed down on the injury *The trainee screams a blood-curdling cry and pleads for him to get off
Instructor: Ah Ah Ah! My we have a feisty one!
Trainee: Please sir I am begging you!
Instructor: Begging if for the proles, are you a prole my boy?
Trainee: *Near to tears N-n-n-no sir
Instructor: Correct answer!
Trainee: *Gets up and continues but looking severely hurt.
Instructor: Pair up!
*Improvised fight training with ad libbed - Cruel worlds from instructor ensue!
*ADD OTHER IMPROVISED FITNESS ROUTINES E.g. Touching toes, crunches - 5 minutes
Trainee: I can't take this *Tries to run away towards car park
*Instructor tackles him and drags him into the bush were he covers his face in the fake blood that had already been place there while the instuctor pretends to punch and stamp on his face. He drags him for the whole audience to see and says some words about him being pathetic and a disgarce then he just lets him just lay on the ground and continues to work for a few more minutes
Insuctor: That was your first taste of spy life. I will see you at 0900 for a morning session! Comrades sign off