Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Journey of the performance

Timetable for the nights performance.
The non-physical journey I am going to be taking throughout this performance is a very difficult and kind of contradictory one. I am the leader of the Spy Youth/ The Municipal fitness court. My Job is to train up the spy youth members but my secret agenda is to train people for the revolution to make sure they are strong and can over power the government. Though I must keep my identity as a thought criminal and a secret revel a secret so most of the time I am in full "I love big brother" mode. All the other time I am going to be running secret operations with the rebel leader's and Goldstein.

My Physical journey is simple enough. Remain on the basketball court and when needed float to my previously determined floating areas.

Oceania, Tis for the lyrics

Strong and peaceful, wise and brave;
Fighting the fight for the whole world to save.
We the people will ceaselessly strive
To keep our great revolution alive.
Unfurl the banners, look at the screen;
Never before has such glory been seen.

Oceania, Oceania, Oceania, 'tis for thee.
Every deed, every thought 'tis for thee.
Every deed, every thought 'tis for thee.

My Timeline

6:45-  Preparing the fitness are, stretching, Misc. 
7:00-  Start morning fitness regime 
7:10- Spy Youth song - Teach audience 
7:15- Teddy Bear training (training how to kill)
7:25- Floating
7:30- 2nd Fitness Regime
7:40- 2nd Floating time

7:50 - Pre Revolution Speech 
8:00 - Revolution 

Monday, 21 April 2014

Spy Youth Lyrics

"Sing to the sailors, on the floating fortress'
Sing to the soldiers, on the battlefield
Sing to the airmen, in the burning azure
Sing to the farmers, rising yields

We are the children, builders of the future
And we the children swear too thee;
Loyal devotion
Fearless devotion
And too die with dignity

Sing to the faithful members of the party
Sing to the party policy
Sing to our country, mighty Oceania
Land of peace and Victory."

Fitness Regime

Instructor: Now comrades, As you already know to part of the spy youth is to be a part of big brother. Big brother only accepts perfection. Mentally perfect you may be but physically you are all less than impressive. Sloppy, Fat, disgusting. We do not accept this. We will beat this out of you. You are about to under go a series of excruciating and backbreaking intense exercise. This programme was design to whip our youth into shape. If you are going to be protecting the citizens of Oceania you must be strong and powerful. You must quick to take down your enemy and you most of have to take this seriously.  You are representing all of Oceania now. Let's get to it.

Spy Youth: Sir yes sir/ Ma'am yes ma'am.


*Press ups begin

Instructor: You call those press ups? You are disgraces to your country! *ad libbed lines

*Puts boot on the back of a trainee.

Instructor: Does this hurt.

Trainee: Very much sir

Instructor: Did Instruct you to feel pain? *pushes trainee onto back

Trainee: No sir you did not

*Slap across the face

Instructor: Then you do not feel pain!

Trainee: Sir yes sir.

Instructor: Now I want to see sit ups! Begin and I will tell you when to stop.

Spy Youth: Sir yes sir!

*Begin sit ups
*Instructor sets on the toes of a trainee watching him wince in pain he leans in closer

Instructor: Do you feel the pain?

Trainee: No sir

*lightly slaps across the face in a taunting manner

Instructor: How about now?

Trainee: No sir

*continues slapping for the whole section

Instructor: How about now?

Trainee: No sir

Instructor: How about now?

Trainee: No sir please...

Instructor: Please what? *puts boot on chest. Sit up for me comrade.

Trainee: I can't


Trainee: *starts thrashing around in desperation* Please sir I can't sit up

Instructor: *Begins to laugh* PAHAHA your all pathetic stand up all of you!

*They all stand to attention
Instructor: You probably feel like I am asking the impossible of you. That I am some unfair malevolent force that can not be moved. You must feel like I am cruel, no? WE LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE MAGGOTS LIFE IS CRUEL! THE FUTURE IS A BOOT STOMPING ON YOUR FACE FOREVER. YOU MUST LEARN NOT FEEL NOW HIGH KNEES GO!!

*Group does high knees as the Instructor inspects carefully. After about a minute another member falls over and claps there ankle.

Instructor: *Goes over to Inspect* Are you OK comrade?

Trainee: No it's my ankle I think... *He is cut off as the Instructor places his foot and pressed down on the injury *The trainee screams a blood-curdling cry and pleads for him to get off

Instructor: Ah Ah Ah! My we have a feisty one!

Trainee: Please sir I am begging you!

Instructor: Begging if for the proles, are you a prole my boy?

Trainee: *Near to tears N-n-n-no sir

Instructor: Correct answer!

Trainee: *Gets up and continues but looking severely hurt.

Instructor: Pair up!

*Improvised fight training with ad libbed - Cruel worlds from instructor ensue!
*ADD OTHER IMPROVISED FITNESS ROUTINES E.g. Touching toes, crunches - 5 minutes

Trainee: I can't take this *Tries to run away towards car park

*Instructor tackles him and drags him into the bush were he covers his face in the fake blood that had already been place there while the instuctor pretends to punch and stamp on his face. He drags him for the whole audience to see and says some words about him being pathetic and a disgarce then he just lets him just lay on the ground and continues to work for a few more minutes

Insuctor: That was your first taste of spy life. I will see you at 0900 for a morning session! Comrades sign off

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Indoctrinating speech

Speaker: Greetings fellow comrades. future leaders of Oceania. I stand before you today to deliver a most important message for the spy youth organisation. You are the future. The past. And the present. You are the living embodiment of the party and all it's principles. You are what makes Oceania the power it is. You are all the children big brother and he your father. We will train you in many things through out your time in the spy youth. You will learn to be courageous and strong. You will be attuned to the suspicious behaviours of thought criminals and You will learn in due time how to denounce your parents to the thought police. You no longer have parents an. They are the enemy. The party is your father and Oceania is your mother. You will learn to love her as we have. Your one any only duty now is to the party. You will report everything and anything. You will purge the world of thought crime forever. You will learn newspeak and learn to speak in only that language. You will never make any contact with anyone that the party does not approve of. You must devote mind, body and soul to big brother. You must hate Goldstein. You must never believe the atrocities he has corrupted the world with. You must fight any signs of rebellion in the residence of Oceania. You will go where we tell you. You will do what we tell you. You will follow the principles of INGSOC until the day of your death.

Oceania smiles upon the faces of the youth. You make big brother immortal. You will live forever in his name. If you do not follow our instructions you will face the consequences of your treachery. You will be tortured and mutilated. You will suffer long agonising hours of pain. If you do not love big brother than you are dead. You would have always been dead. If It were that you found one of your fellow comrades muttering thought crime in his sleep you must betray him. He is not your friend. For he is the enemy of the state and Oceania and he must be dealt with. You will be the generation that once and for all stamps out thought crime. Your children will reap the benefits of all your hard work. You will sing  the song of Oceania. You will feel pride and pain. Pride and Pain...

You are the children, builders of the future
And you the children swear too thee;
Loyal devotion
Fearless devotion
And too die with dignity

It will not be easy my children. You will be subjected to the most gruelling training regimes the world has ever known. We will break you down. We will leave you crippled crying out on the floor. We will take any trace of your true self and destroy it, for your true self is not your real self. Your real self is the party. You are a component in a machine. You will no longer identify yourself as a human being. You are in a grand scheme. This scheme does not discriminate nor is it prejudice. This scheme only exists to improve humanity. You must sacrifice your own humanity to save it. You will forget who you were, The only person who exists now is the spy I see before me today. That spy has always existed. That spy will always exists. 

You will take part in many activities. You will learn discipline by hiking and marching through the rolling hills of airstrip one. You will learn courage by facing the wrath of the world. You will learn peace through war. You will learn freedom through slavery. You will learn strength through ignorance. Your destiny has been chosen for you. You have already fulfilled. You are yet to fulfil your destiny. You must think like this. You already have done your job for the party and are a hero, You are still to do your job for the party and become a hero. Doublethink. Doublethink. Doublethink.

Now comrades stand to attention! And repeat after me. I belong to the party.... I give my life to big brother.... big brother is always watching.... I will denounce thought criminals...... I am the future..... I am the past..... And I am the future.... I will sing to Oceania land of victory and peace.

You have no taken the pledge to the party. You are now a member of the spy youth. doubleplusgood! We now look to you to lead the future of Oceania and least us to victory over thought crime and eastasia!

*Screen blacks out

New Speaker: This has been a political announcement from the party. *SFX of trumpets and picture INGSOC flag appears

Clapping and shouts ensue.

Ideas for using Prezi

The way in which Prezi can be used to enhance our multimedia performance is endless. Because the way it seamlessly flows from one point another there are many different ways that we can manipulate this medium to create a more in-depth performance.

If we decide to include the two minute hate scene because of the way you can insert pictures and videos we can film footage of us screaming abuses and angry shouting then go on to pictures of scary images like bugs and war and other such things to do with hate related atrocities. We can then put it on a loop and add in some scary atmospheric music and we can keep going round and round in a circle giving the audience a perpetual feeling of dread and decay.

Because with Prezi you have the ability to zoom in and out of images and sentences we could use this to our advantage. If I inserted an image of a brain and then zoomed into it I could have a whole lot of complex things happening beneath the surface. I could have words like "thought criminal" and "doublethink" to educate the audience what is going on inside the head of someone who lives in the world of 1984 to give them further context into the world that the characters live in.

On the subject of adding context to a performance we could illustrate the war. We could show which province holds which territories in relation to the real world. We could make use of arrows or pointers and have a section where a general is explaining the war tactics in which they wants to employ. We could take the section at the end of the book were Oceania take over a section of Africa and we can display the military tactics that were used to make this a reality.

Because of the way you can stitch different subjects together and create smooth transitions between events like if you want to completely change the tone in room. For example if you had a video clip of angry voices screaming at the audience then suddenly it changes to a sound clip of classical music leaving the audience daze and confused.

Finally, I could utilize Prezi's inserting and embedding other types of files like video and sound bites. We could utilize this and use it basically as a save file for any video we need to show and make it flow effortlessly within the performance. If we need to cue a sound effect of a bone breaking we could cue it on the Prezi to go exactly in time with the live action.

Itinerary for 1984 - (Outside to do list)

1.  Opening shock: 3 People burst from the fire exist screaming ad libbed lines e.g. Down with Big Brother, The Party will crumble, Oceania is dying, The war is a lie. They run up to the audience begging support for the rebellion maybe handing out leaflets and in the general uproar guards run out of the same exit carrying them off kicking and screaming. Possibly one escapes but the rest are taken away. To split up the audience a group should be taken inside by the guards saying the need to forget what they saw. - 5 minutes total

2. Confessions: Either by speaker or by projector we hear the confessions of prisoners to crimes like, Pirating, Plotting against the state, Rape, Murder, Adultery. If we have it by video then we can project on a wall next to the tree. We can film it in sepia to give it a  more sinister and disconnected feel. - 5 minutes total 

3. Indoctrination Video: If we set up handheld projector (because we don't have a power source) we can film a video in a harsh black and white or sepia of a brain washing speech directed at the Children's spy organisation. Stuff like you are the future of Oceania and you must denounce thought criminals. They can be a section where Goldstein is mentioned and there can be an audible reaction e.g. shouting, praising big brother, clapping and crying. 7 minutes total

4. Spy Youth Song: We have a speaker system set up outside. Every so often the anthem could play out and all the Actors playing the spy youth stop and stand to attention and sing a long looking to the sky with national pride. 2 minutes total X 5

5. Teddy Bear Training: Clay will be handling the script for this segment. The leader of the Spy Youth will be doing  a training session on how to torture and extract information from a thought criminal. Now this is to represent the loss of innocence  within the society and can get really graphic which can include ripping heads of stomping on them and if were allowed to use dull knives even better. 10 minutes total

6. Public Hanging: As a climatic moment we are going to have an executioner read off the crimes of a single prisoner of war before an audience. The prisoner would be either be strong and silent or hysterical. We can borrow a ladder and the executioner will climb up the tree with the rope. If we distract the audience for a few seconds by getting them to turn around we can replace the prisoner with a mannequin and as the audience attention is somewhere else they could hear a blood curdling cry and as the turn back there brains would register the mannequin as the prisoner and be shocked while the actor crowd cheer! 10 minutes total 

7. The Graffiti artist: A member of the cast could play a continuous character who is going around and defacing and painting over the INGSOC posters and pictures of big brother. Continuous.

8. Spy Youth Fitness Regime: A harsh tall and strong instructor leads a group of spy youth in a growling training exercise with bright lights shining on the them doing Push ups and learning to fight and maybe even facing mental and physical torment. 8 minutes total.

9. The Revolution: Finally the entire evenings work should grow and climax into the is one point were all the actors and audience are outside listening to a revolution rally and then with all the growing support for the brotherhood anarchy should break out and a full on riot is on the hands hopefully. There should be be a big brawl between party members and the rebels. 7 minutes total.